Coop Resources

The Tennessee Council of Cooperatives (TCC) is a non-profit organization established to promote “the cooperative way of business” through education and promotion of all types of cooperatives.
Cooperative Articles
FFA Members Are “Game” To Learn About Cooperatives — June 2008 (pdf)
“Jerry Kirk Reflects on Tennessee Cooperatives” — April 2007 (pdf)
“TCC Reaches 25-year Anniversary” — April 2007 (pdf)
Cooperative Resources
Mid America Cooperative Council (MACC)
National Cooperative Business Association
National Council of Farmer Cooperatives
Kentucky Center for Cooperative Development
Bill Fitzwater Cooperative Center at Oklahoma State
Arthur Capper Cooperative Center at Kansas State University
Quentin Burdick Center for Cooperatives at North Dakota State University
USDA Cooperative Development Publications
Cooperative Publications
Cooperative Information Reports from USDA
Cooperative Research Reports from USDA
Cooperative Service Reports from USDA
Directory of Tennessee Cooperatives (PDF)
Miscellaneous Cooperative Reports from USDA
Considerations for Membership/Investment in a Processing Cooperative (PDF)
Commentary and Overview for the Tennessee Processing Cooperative Law (PDF)
The Tennessee Processing Cooperative Act (Video)
A Sampling of Thoughts and Opinions on Electronic Identification . . . (PDF)
A Follow-Up . . . to the Cooperative Study Tour (PDF)
Introduction and Overview for the Tennessee Processing Cooperative Law (PDF)
Thoughts for Farmers Considering Membership/Investments in a Processign Cooperative (PDF)
Tennessee Processing Cooperative Law: Overview, Comparison and Applications (PDF)
Thoughts on Requesting Federal Tax Exemption as a 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(5) Non-Profit Organization (PDF)